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Bailey & Estevan are very family oriented and have an abundance of ways to show their families appreciation.  They also were very interested in supporting the local artists who could provide these items.

Decorated boxes filled with chocolates from a local shop.  Handmade dream-catchers and tambourines from another local artist are given during and after the ceremony. 

Lastly, a final thank you sent out to guests when the couple returns from their honeymoon.  The invitation incorporates the dream catcher that was incorporated throughout the entire event to leave one more lasting impression.

The Groomsmen will receive a shot glass and personalized bottle opener.  The bridesmaids will be gifted an arrow necklace and shot glass.

The mothers of the bride will be gifted a bracelet and mother of the groom received a necklace while the father's are to receive a personalized pocket watch.

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